Original payal hospital rajkot viral video telegram aow

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Videos of women patients at Payal Maternity Hospital were uploaded to a YouTube channel, with access offered via a Telegram link for a fee ranging from Rs 999 to Rs 1,500. Listen to Story CCTV videos show women being examined by doctors Footage sold on Telegram for Rs 999 to Rs 1,500 Rajkot hospital Given that the accused reside in different states, the method of accessing Payal Hospital's CCTV system requires thorough investigation. The prosecution revealed that the accused had created approximately 20 Telegram IDs, the names of which are crucial to the investigation. Rajkot, Gujarat: A shocking breach of privacy has come to light after private videos of women patients recorded at Payal Maternity Hospital in Rajkot were found circulating online. The CCTV footage, showing patients undergoing medical examinations, was uploaded to YouTube and sold on Telegram, sparking outrage and a police investigation. A nationwide racket of uploading videos of maternity patients' treatment and examinations on YouTube and Telegram channels for profit has come to light. Surgical-Hospital Raiya-Circle Rajkot Ahmedabad Ahmedabad-news YouTube Telegram Gujarat Gujarat-news Ahmedabad-Cyber-Crime-Branch Payal-hospital. At Gujarat's Payal Maternity Hospital, CCTV footage of women patients were leaked and sold on Telegram. At least seven videos were uploaded on the YouTube channel Megha MBBS, with access offered for a fee ranging from ₹999 to ₹1,500. At Gujarat's Payal Maternity Hospital, CCTV footage of women patients were leaked and sold on Ahmedabad: The Gujarat Police have launched an investigation after videos of several women patients being examined by doctors inside a hospital in Rajkot surfaced on social media, majorly Telegram and YouTube.The incident has triggered outrage among locals and concerns about women's safety in medical establishments. The Cyber Crime Branch initiated the probe when some of these videos from One such video, showing a woman receiving treatment in a

gynecological hospital, recently went viral on Telegram, with group members being invited to access similar content. Ahmedabad: In a disturbing incident, at least seven shocking CCTV videos of pregnant women patients being examined by doctors inside a private hospital in Rajkot were allegedly leaked on Telegram and YouTube. The videos which have raised serious concerns, prompted the Gujarat police to launch an investigation into the matter. A probe was A privacy scandal has emerged from Rajkot after CCTV footage of pregnant women during medical check-ups was leaked from Payal Maternity Hospital. The footage, which surfaced on Monday, has also initiated an investigation by the state's cybercrime team following their circulation on platforms. Meanwhile, Dr. Amit Akbari, the director of Payal Maternity Home, confirmed that their CCTV server was hacked, leading to the video leak. "I don't know how the hospital videos went viral.

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